
國立中正大學前瞻製造系統頂尖研究中心 2024前瞻製造技術創新成果選拔 2024 AIM-HI Technical Innovation Competition

一、 競賽宗旨 Goal
In order to encourage CCU master and PhD students to devote into academic research in the field of advanced manufacturing technologies and publishing research results in international journals, AIM-HI holds Technical Innovation Competition. By this competition, we hope students to advance the knowledge and technology related to advanced manufacturing and achieve the goal of cultivating talents.

二、主辦協辦單位 Organizer
Organizer: Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-tech Innovations

三、參賽資格 Participant requirement
CCU-enrolled master and PhD students

四、論文領域 Competition Fields
Research fields related to advanced manufacturing technologies, such as (but not limit to) machine tools and manufacturing, robotics, intelligent manufacturing, intelligent sensing, motion control, precision measurements, mechatronics. The contents must be written in English.

五、參賽辦法 Registration and submission information
1. 一律採線上報名,報名系統網頁如下,並繳交研究資料,如期刊論文、研討會論文、專利、技術報告等。
Please enroll by the Google sheet below and upload your research result such as journal paper, seminar paper, patent, technical report.

2. 決賽名單將以未曾獲獎者優先考量。
Students who have not received prize of AIM-HI Technical Innovation Competition will be given high priority to get to the final presentation.

六、甄選時程 Key schedule
1. 報名及繳交截止日期:113 年 9 月 30 日
Registration and submission deadline: 2024/9/30
2. 決賽名單公布:113 年 10 月 4 日
Announcement of final presentation list: 2024/10/4
3. 決賽報告時間:113 年 10 月 25 日 (全英文簡報) 地點/時間:機械系館214右,13:10~15:00 一人15分鐘,包含12分鐘報告與3分鐘提問
Presentation date: 2024/10/25 (present by English)
Venue/time: Mechanical Engineering Building Room. 214 right @ 13:10~15:00
15 minutes per person including 12-minutes presentation & 3-minutes Q&A
4. 結果公布時間:113年 11 月 01 日
Announcement of final result: 2024/11/01
5. 頒獎時間:113年11月,會另行通知確切日期
Award date: November 2024, will inform when confirming

七、獎勵方式 Prize
First place: NT$15,000 & a certificate of merit
Second place: NT$10,000 & a certificate of merit
Third place: NT$5,000 & a certificate of merit

八、聯絡資訊 Contact Information
聯絡窗口:創新大樓 前瞻製造系統頂尖研究中心人才培育組
聯絡電話:(05) 272-0411 #16457

Innovation building AIM-HI Office
Number: 886-5-272-0411 ext. 16457
Email: amsccu@ccu.edu.tw